Connect With Health

Scheduling and Services


Acupuncture is one of the oldest healing modalities known to humankind. It originated in China over five thousand years ago. That it is still being practiced today speaks for its efficacy and for the truth of the principles upon which it is based.

— Professor J.R. Worsley
Founder of Five-Element Acupuncture


  • Connect - Phone Consultation

    Complimentary phone session for prospective clients. Space to explore how Classical Five-Element Acupuncture can support your healing journey and provide benefit to your life.

    Allow 15-30 minutes for this call.

  • Begin - Comprehensive Intake

    Begin here. All new clients start with this traditional intake session of 2 to 2.5 hours. While it is customary that no needles be used during this initial session, clients receive treatment through a structural exam and diagnostic protocols.


  • Continue - Recurrent Treatment

    Available for established clients only. Support to maintain whole being wellness with regular 1 to 1.5 hour follow-up treatments and lifestyle guidance.
    Weekly and seasonal scheduling recommended.



Vital Spring acupuncture sessions are available in Boulder at the beautiful Portland Sanctuary office near Ideal Market and in the Louisville Medical and Professional complex at the ITEA Clinic.

My schedule has flexibility. If no appointment times are available that work for you, let me know. Together we can find a time that works for your schedule.


Boulder Office — Portland Sanctuary
1004 Portland Place
Boulder, CO 80304


Louisville Office — ITEA Clinic
317 W. South Boulder Road
Louisville, CO 80027



  • Arrive 5-10 minutes early to your appointment

  • Care for personal hygiene, avoid products with strong fragrances

  • Wear comfortable, loose clothing or you may change into a gown

  • Hydrate before and after your appointment

  • Eat a small meal with protein and fat at least one hour prior

  • Silence your phone

  • Report any symptoms or illness before your appointment

  • Treatment planning and duration are based on individual needs

  • Clients begin with a comprehensive initial session of 2 to 2.5 hours

  • Weekly treatment is recommended for the first 4-6 weeks

  • After this initial timeline, we will review your response to treatment


  • Due at the time of service

  • Cash, check, Venmo and credit cards accepted

  • Payment plans and financial resources may be available as needed

  • Discuss your need for financial resources when scheduling

  • Clients may request a superbill to submit for insurance billing

  • Vital Spring does not guarantee insurance reimbursement

  • Missed appointments and late cancellations may incur a fee

  • Advance notice of 24 hours is required for cancellations

  • Emergency situations will be assessed if less than 24 hour notice

  • Gift certificates are available

  • As a healthcare practice, gratuity and tips are not expected

Labyrinth for guidance in nature

Begin Where You Are

During your Comprehensive Intake, we will review your life and medical history together.

I will listen. You will be heard.
I will seek to understand. You will be seen as you truly are. There is no expectation of you to be anything other than yourself.

This time is an important walk through what led you to this moment on your health journey.

Intake sessions typically include these topics:

  • Childhood experiences and family dynamics

  • Medical conditions and body functions

  • Medications and supplements, nutrition

  • Personal relationships and your relationship with yourself

  • Occupational and profession information

  • General energy, mood and emotional quality

  • Physical exam and traditional diagnostic protocols

This initial session allows me to deeply recognize your needs and
how treatment can best serve your goals.

Discover Alignment Within

We all arrive to places in life where we feel discomfort, stuck, lost or scared. Whether this shows up as a headache, indigestion, depression, back pain, grief, irritability, work stress, PMS, family tension or any other physical ailment or personal challenge, your body and whole being are letting you know.

Symptoms are signals.

Your system sends messages that something needs attention — something needs to change — by way of common conditions, symptoms, emotional responses, habitual patterns and limiting beliefs. By tuning in and listening to those signals, life can be different.

Alignment within begins with you.

Treatment with Acupuncture

Classical Five-Element Acupuncture restores balance within by treating the core causes of dis-ease. Emerging research validates the efficacy of this ancient system of medicine for the treatment of several chronic conditions. According to the National Institute of Health, acupuncture provides lower back, neck and osteoarthritis knee pain relief. In addition to preventing and reducing “the frequency of tension headaches” and migraines, growing evidence also finds acupuncture can decrease the side effects of cancer treatments. Most notably, acupuncture for infertility has gained scientific approval for successful family planning. Addiction recovery and mental health support are also successfully treated with acupuncture.

A licensed practitioner of acupuncture may not legally claim treatment protocols cure any condition or diagnosis, as such statements are outside the professional scope of practice. I specialize in supporting people mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically. Conditions and primary reasons for treatment that I have worked with in which clients report positive results include:

  • Allergies

  • Adrenal and chronic fatigue

  • Anxiety

  • Alcohol, marijuana and opiate addiction

  • Arthritis

  • Back pain

  • Body dysmorphic disorder

  • Congestive Heart Failure

  • Depression

  • Diabetes

  • Digestion

  • Emotional pain and distress

  • Eye floaters

  • Food allergies

  • GERD

  • Hormone and menstrual regulation

  • Hypertension

  • Infertility

  • Insomnia

  • Intimacy challenges

  • Irritable bowel syndrome

  • Kidney disease

  • Knee pain and mobility

  • Life purpose from lack of meaning

  • Menopause

  • Mood regulation

  • Neck pain

  • Neuropathy

  • Neuroma

  • Ovarian cysts

  • Pandemic isolation

  • Plantar fasciitis

  • PMS

  • Post-partum mood and hormonal changes

  • Post-traumatic stress disorder

  • Relationship support

  • Sexual dysfunction

  • Smoking cessation

  • Stimulant dependence

  • Substance use disorder

  • Thyroid

  • Transitions in life

  • Traumatic events

  • Vision impairment

  • Vitiligo

  • Worry and intrusive thoughts