Discover Acupuncture

Receiving Treatment

  • Elements and Nature

    Water ● Winter
    Wood ● Spring
    Fire ● Summer
    Earth ● Late Summer
    Metal ● Autumn

    All five elements are alive
    ⎼ in nature, in each season ⎼
    and within you.

    In this system of medicine, manifestations within each season and element correspond to different aspects of internal health on each level of Mind Body Spirit.

  • Qi and Meridians

    Just as blood pulses through your veins to keep you alive, a vital energy force,
    known as Qi (pronounced “chee”), circulates in your body within meridians.

    Internal meridians travel from your head to your toes as deep and superficial pathways.

    These pathways are responsible for the movement of Qi energy coursing between your internal organ systems, lymphatic channels, sensory orifices, bones and tissues.

  • Pulses and Diagnosis

    By listening to pulses, valuable information about the quality and quantity of your Qi guides the direction of diagnosis and treatment during each appointment.

    On each wrist, superficial of the radial artery, six distinct pulses can be read through light palpation.

    Each pulse is related to one of the five elements, and therefore, one of the 12 meridian systems within. Listening to pulses touches into the vitality of each element within you.

  • Moxa and Needles

    To realign imbalances within, treatment often includes moxibustion and needling at specific acupuncture points planned for the individual needs of each client.

    Moxa, or mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris lataflora), is a dried plant that is warmed on certain acupuncture points.

    Burning moxa stimulates Qi energy and serves as a warm welcome ahead of needling. Moxa is rolled into small cones, applied to a point and carefully removed upon the sensation of heat.

Science and Standards

Safety Practices

As defined in the Clean Needle Technique Manual (7th Edition), published by the Council of Colleges for Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine (CCAHM):

Acupuncture is the insertion of needles into the skin where the therapeutic effect is expected to come primarily from the act of inserting, manipulating and/ or retaining the needles in specific locations.

Sterile, surgical-grade stainless steel, single-use disposable needles are regulated in the practice of acupuncture. Needles measure close to the diameter of a strand of hair and range from 1 to 2 inches in length.

At the time of insertion, brief discomfort may be experienced. This can feel similar to a pulsating or throbbing sensation or prick. This phenomena, known as de qi, occurs when your vital qi is reached.

Strict safety protocols are required within the practice of acupuncture, including regular disinfecting of all office surfaces, tables and supplies, hand sanitization, legal disposal of sharps and cleaning needle insertion sites.

“De qi” refers to the multidimensional spiritual and neurophysiological experience of receiving acupuncture.

Illustrated in the Yellow Emperor's Classics of Internal Medicine